Somewhat considered pieces of text. I’m not a very good writer, so any feedback is very much welcome. Posts are ordered by the “original” publication date, though they may have been modified more recently.
- Things I Wish I Knew When Learning Idris UnfinishedLessons and ideas that, had I known them when I started, would have made learning Idris a lot easier.
- Advent of Code 2020, in Idris UnfinishedThoughts and feedback on using Idris for solving the Advent of Code 2020 problems
- 5GWhat’s the issue with 5G?
- Last (git) modification time in HakyllHakyll gives you lots of lovely defaults, but some things are harder to come by. This post provides a brief description of how to add “last modification time” metadata to each post.
- Styles of the Collegiate Shag BasicAt it’s peak Collegiate Shag was danced across the US, and thus developed many regional styles. In “modern” shag these various styles are useful teaching aids, as well as great tools for musicality and making the dance your own.